I have spent most of my career till now building resilient data and machine learning platforms. Most of them fail, some of them success but all of them give me lessons to learn from.
One of my success is being part of the team who built Komodo Health’s critical AI-fueled data analytic platform to actually save people. Our platform reduces the burden of disease research and reduce the cost of drug manufacturing and delivery.
One other thing I would brag about is our previous success at Jellysmack, where we scaled from 0 to unicorn in a single year. With brilliant teammates, we leverage the company’s data and machine learning platforms to fuel the rise of prolific content creators on social media.
A part from that, I am a birds’ lover, an animal enthusiast, a day dreamer and a mediocre Judo player.
KomodoHealth: Make healthcare cheaper and more affordable using AI and Data. This is where I see with my eyes that tech can save lives.
Jellysmack: Fueled the rise of content creators by leveraging data and AI. This is where I learnt that scaling a company from 0 to unicorn is fascinating and chaotic.
Generali: Learnt that data itself could make the difference of millions USD. This is where I came to the realisation that health insurance is vital (and expensive).
- W3N Estonia 2023: Building with AI: How to fuel the rise of AI with high quality data .
- PyCon Lithuania 2024: Grokking Event-Driven Web App with Python.